Joe Biden’s plan to reopen schools is a laughable attempt at an old man to do something that is beyond his power to achieve. His plan calls for a 50 percent reopening of schools across the country. His CDC team even calls for an 80 percent closure of schools across the country. It seems that even Biden does not know what his left hand is doing.
Biden lives in a little closed box. He is out of touch with what is happening in the world. His plan assumes that 100 percent of the nation’s kids are not in school. But there are currently thousands of districts that have been open for most of the new school year.
The map that he wants to enforce will end up shutting down schools that have been open for months. And there have not been any issues with these kids being back in the classroom. The science behind his plan is flawed and cannot be trusted. It is just another way for him to control people instead of letting them live free.
Most of the Republican-controlled areas have school districts open. The blue states are the ones that are dragging their feet and bowing the knee to the greedy school unions that refuse to return to the classroom because they are selfish and greedy.
There have been no major outbreaks in any schools that are currently open. Science shows that schools are actually a low-risk environment because of the structure that exists in the classroom. The students and teachers follow safety measures every day, and the virus is kept out of the classrooms.
The CDC is supposed to publish the new restrictions very soon. And it is expected that states will decide how to incorporate them into their routines. But many already know how they are going to be ignored because Ron DeSantis has already taken to the airways to laugh about the liberal’s attempt to continue to push a virus on people that are no longer causing the trouble that it once did.
Richard Corcoran is Florida’s Education Commissioner. He stated that “Since Summer 2020, Florida school districts, superintendents, public charter schools, private schools, educators, students, and families have worked hard and have done an incredible job ensuring Florida students can continue to receive a world-class education in-person, every day.” What Biden fears will happen just is not happening in schools that have been open for already a year.
He went on to point out that the “CDC guidance is informative, although Florida school districts, public charter schools, and private schools should stay the course they began in Summer 2020. The science has been clear since August, and subsequent studies and data since then show that schools are safe to reopen.”
This was DeSantis’ way of telling Biden to bug off and keep his pesky nose out of Florida’s business. There was no reason to shut down schools for as long as the liberals have done. It is another way that they have used the virus as a cover to control people and kill off the livability of people around the country.
The liberals are in control of the CDC, and they are clearly using the organization to drag out the pandemic as long as they can. They want to appear to be the party that liberates the country from lockdowns that they have put in places themselves.
Cowardly, Joe Biden just cannot bring himself to wake up and see that his fear-driven leftist buddies are using him to push their agenda. The stats are showing that kids are mad, physical hurt is real, and parents are ticked off because the liberal Joe Biden is not doing what he needs to do to get all of America back on its feet.
The liberals look to the federal government to save the day, but the Republican governors have taken matters into their own hands and got things moving in the red states again. Their viral numbers are lower than the blue states that told everyone to stay home. Once again, Ron DeSantis has told Biden what he can do with his liberal rules.